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HotValue Added Services

*All logistics points are represented by symbols (symbols as shown in the image) .
Special Reinforcement
【 Calculated at 220 per item 】
*Glass products, fragile items, food, liquids, and other usable items with leaks, damages, or outer packaging damages are not eligible for compensation.
*If not done, logistics points for reinforcement will be refunded, but if it leads to internal item damage, compensation of 50 will be provided, and no cash refunds will be made. No other refunds or compensations will be made.
*Please refer to FAQ C19. Can you help reinforce the packaging?
【 Basic fee of 70 per box 】 Calculated based on the length of each box
*The fee is calculated based on the sum of the length, width, and height of the box after it leaves the warehouse (each 1 cm is charged 1, 1 inch = 2.5).
*Key points:
a. Check on-site if there is any obvious damage to the internal goods, whether the outer box is damaged (if damaged, photos of the outer box will be taken and you will be notified), no guarantee is made that the goods will arrive intact during transportation.
b. Shrink the box as much as possible, and it may be replaced with another outer box.
c. Fill the inner box with packaging material, cardboard, bubble wrap, paper, etc., to strengthen the entire box (not just individual items).
d. If the appearance of the product is obviously damaged, you will be notified as clearly as possible.
*For boxes exceeding 175cm, additional charges apply, please inform customer service.
*Glass products, fragile items, food, liquids, and other usable items with leaks, damages, or outer packaging damages are not eligible for compensation.
*Please refer to FAQ C19. Can you help reinforce the packaging?
Convenience Store Pickup
【 Fee: 15 】Available at FamilyMart, Hi-Life, and 7-11.
*Limited to 5 kilograms, with each side within 90 centimeters and a single side within 45 centimeters.
*Please refer to FAQ D16. Pickup at convenience stores or self-collection at the warehouse?
Shoe Box Disposal
【 No logistics points charged 】
*If shoe boxes are not discarded upon request, no logistics points will be refunded. If volumetric charges are incurred, they will be refunded, and no other refunds or compensations will be made.
(Except for JPD Japan warehouse, where each pair incurs a charge of 30.)
*Please refer to FAQ C16. Can you help remove and discard the outer box of shoes?
Self Pick-up at Taipei Warehouse
【 No charge 】Recipient address to be changed to: 1F, No. 86, Shezi Street, Shilin District, Taipei City.
*Please refer to FAQ D16. Pickup at convenience stores or self-collection at the warehouse?

Inspection: Click Package Inspection in Package Status Inquiry.
【 Inspection service is charged based on the number of photos taken, with a base fee of 150. 】
*Includes a photo of the logistics label on the outer box.
*Unboxing and taking photos of the contents inside.
*Group photo of all items taken out (clarity not guaranteed).
*General inspection of the surface of items for any severe damage will be notified separately; however, no assessment of new or old, color difference, size, minor damage, or usable items will be made. The authenticity and functionality will not be tested; assessment will solely be based on the photos provided to you.
*Additional photos can be taken for items with special requirements, and please specify the key points of the photos. Each photo can only capture one key point, and an additional charge of 60 per photo will be applied.
*Content cannot be modified after payment. Inspection service is a warehouse labor fee, and no refund is available after the warehouse has taken the photos.
*If the inspection is not completed within 7 working days, a refund of the inspection fee can be requested, but no other compensation is available.
*Please refer to FAQ C14. Need help in checking the contents of the packages?
Customs Declaration Processing Fee
【 For formal declaration by the company or individuals for tobacco and alcohol, customs declaration fee + 5% business tax = logistics points to be paid. 】
【 Individuals do not need to select this fee item for simple customs declaration when returning to Taiwan. 】
*Please refer to FAQ D15. Why is there a limit of 50,000 NTD for imported packages? When is formal declaration required?
Keep Original Packaging 
【 No charge, no unpacking or resizing of boxes, no reinforcement or consolidation. 】 *Charges are based on weight and volume, with the higher of the two determining the fee. If the outer box is replaced or resized, compensation of 50 will be made, but no cash refund will be provided. (Except for JPD Japan warehouse, where a charge of 10 per box applies.)
*Excludes routes subject to customs duties, which must be paid separately.
*Q&A: C17. Can you help me ship my package back in its original box?
Waterproofing of Outer Boxes
【 Charged starting from 30 per shipping label, calculated based on the sum of three sides, where 1 centimeter = 0.5 (1 inch = 1.25). 】
*Please refer to FAQ C18. How to prevent rain from damaging the package?
Storage and Return Fees
Storage Fee:
*Free storage service for 25 days provided
Starting from the 26th day after the free storage period, storage fees apply as follows:
USA, Canada: 5 per pound per day
UK, Europe, Australia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China: 5 per kilogram per day
*Package abandonment period is 45 days.
Return Handling Fee:
*Click Package Return under Package Status Inquiry.
USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia: 300 per package
Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China: 100 per package
Japan: 300 per package
*If the seller does not provide a return shipping label, local delivery fees will be charged separately. Seller's detailed return information must be provided.
*If the returned parcel is not sent back to the original seller's address, the following information must be provided to customer service:
a. Screenshot of purchase receipt
b. Screenshot of payment receipt, including payment and receiving unit information
c. If returning to the original seller, this is not required.
*The process is considered complete once the provided information is used to send out the return parcel and a shipping label and shipping process are provided. If the recipient does not receive the item, or if it is damaged or there are other issues, the member cannot claim compensation.
Completion of the shipping order implies understanding and acceptance of the above instructions. If there are any uncertainties, please contact customer service!


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