Special Offers

Hot$50 Logistics Feedback

Feedback Activity for Five-Star Reviews & Likes
To express our special gratitude to our members who often assist by sharing their experiences with shipping, customer service, or overseas warehousing on Google, we're launching a gratitude feedback activity:
1.Give likes, provide a five-star rating, and write a review on Google. (You can like any review.)
2.The review should include experiences related to logistics, purchasing agents, or group buying, with a minimum of 30 words.
3.After screenshotting your review, send it to our Line@ customer service.
4.Each Google review can be exchanged for a discount code.
5.Each member can receive up to three discount codes.
6.Each discount code can only be used once.
7.The discount code is valued at 50 yuan and can be applied to any shipping fee, with direct deduction. Each shipping order can only use one discount code, with no restrictions on routes.
The activity runs from now until June 30, 2024. Thank you for participating in our activity. We look forward to seeing your reviews and participation! If you have any questions, feel free to contact our customer service.
Activity Code: #240409$50


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