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HotFedEx US to BDE/BOM Local

Fedex Drop off Station to BDE/BOM Warehouse
a. Ships to either the Delaware BDE warehouse or the Oregon BOM warehouse:
*You can select whichever one is nearest for a lower shipping cost.
b. Multiple boxes can be combined for shipment (each box must have a different tracking label attached):
*Please make sure to attach the label to its corresponding package (size and weight must match).
c. Fill out the [Add Pickup Order]:
*Required fields include dimensions (in inches) and weight (in pounds). Round up to the nearest inch/lb. If the measurements are very inaccurate, you may be subject to additional fees.
*Detailed address information.
*When filling out the form, you can choose to receive a quote first before deciding whether to proceed with the service.
*FedEx shipping labels will be emailed or sent via Line for you to print out and deliver to the FedEx service station yourself.
Prohibited Items for Shipping:
Tobacco, alcohol, flammable or explosive materials, and all items marked as prohibited.
You are responsible for legal obligations and compensation costs, and we do not accept any liability or provide any services for these items.


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