Personal Medications, Cosmetics, and Medical Equipment Explanation)
It is under the jurisdiction of the Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare. You can inquire with their customer service professionals.
Distinctions between Category 1, 2, and 3 drugs in Japan?
Please note that in Japan, pharmaceutical classification labels on packaging can be divided into five major categories. They are ranked based on the degree of efficacy and side effects.
*The main distinguishing feature between Designated Category 2 pharmaceuticals and Category 2 pharmaceuticals on the packaging is whether the character '二' (two) is on the box.
Explanation of Category 3 pharmaceuticals as general health products:
*Non-prescription drugs, with a quantity limit of no more than 12 bottles or 12 tubes or a total of 1200 tablets per type.
*Can be shipped with other health products, with a limit of not exceeding 36 cans/bottles per box.
Explanation of Category 2 (Designated) pharmaceuticals as general health products with medicinal effects:
*Non-prescription drugs, with a quantity limit of no more than 12 bottles or 12 tubes or a total of 1200 tablets per type.
*Can be shipped with other health products, with a limit of not exceeding 36 cans/bottles per box.
*For individuals receiving limited quantities of pharmaceuticals for personal use via customs:
*Limited to 2 bottles (boxes) per type, with a total not exceeding 6 types (12 bottles).
Friendly Reminder:
Exceeding the listed dosage will be considered as medication: (Please note the dosage; if purchasing more than 2 bottles, an import approval form must be submitted.)
維生素B1(超過50 mg),維生素B2(核黃素)(超過100 mg),維生素B3 (菸鹼酸)(超過100 mg),維生素B6(超過80 mg),維生素B12(超過1000mcg),維生素D3(高於800I.U.),維生素E(生育醇) dl-α-Tocopherol(高於400I.U.),鋅(超過30 mg)(包括Zinc Citrate、Zinc Bisglycinate、Zinc Oxide、Zinc Gluconate,Zinc Sulfate),鎂(超過600mg)(包括Magnesium Gluconate、Magnesium Oxide、Magnesium Sulfate),鐵(高於45 mg),乳鐵蛋白(lactoferrin)(高於100 mg)
柑橘生物類黃酮(Citrus Bioflavonoids):超過1000 mg,穀胱甘肽(Glutathione):超過250毫克(mg),磷脂醯絲胺酸(Phosphatidylserine):每日食用限量超過500毫克(mg)。,異黃酮(Isoflavones):每日食用限量超過50毫克(mg)
Friendly Reminder:
The below item cannot be shipped to Taiwan.