1B. International Express Package Shipping Instructions:
Step 1:
Step 2:
After confirming package arrival, go to "International Logistics" and select "Add Order."
Three options are available:
- "Preorder": (Before package has been stocked in) Individual packaging for quick dispatch.
- "New Order": (Package has been stocked in) Combined multiple packages for shipment.
- "Pre Stock In": Before package has been stocked in/seller is unable to include member ID to the shipping label.
After choosing an option, proceed to the next step.
Step 3:
Select International Express DHL UPS FedEx, select originating and destination countries, choose storage warehouse, select transport route, then click "Search."
Step 4:
The system will automatically display relevant packages below. Click "Select" on the right for each package for the packages you need to consolidate into one shipping order.
Step 5:
Proceed to enter recipient information below.
Step 6:
Fill in item details. For multiple items, use separate lines by clicking the right-side "+" to add new lines. Use English for all item names, and use US dollars for amounts.
Step 7:
Check any remaining fields based on your requirements. Finally, click "I have read the relevant service agreement," then choose "Generate Order" or "Continue Printing."
Friendly reminder: If you have discount codes or points, enter them in the corresponding fields. Customer service will not be able to add discount codes or points into your shipping order after it has been submitted.
Note: For consolidation, inform customer service in advance of the total number of packages. Write "RS Member ID" + box number on the outside of the box, and wait until all boxes are collected for packing.
Example: (This service is for overseas relocation, specifically to aid elderly family members in packing and shipping the packages.) Consolidation service is free, and we can provide boxes if needed. Please cooperate to prevent loss or mishandling of packages.
Once again, please inform customer service of your member ID and the total number of packages being shipped; please also assign numbers to each package before sending.
(Maximum box size for consolidation: 55 x 45 x 41 cm; if items exceed these dimensions, the shipment will require multiple boxes).